Oak Bluffs, Mass.
October 31st, 1915
My dear Max and Lou,
Father is anxious I should write you about the concrete road he’s been making from the road running around our place to a part of your lot and is going to continue it about ten feet farther covering the entire distance (in) front of your lot and is grading the outside of the concrete so that it is going to look fine - he has also made a road through the woods from our house across to your lot which will be very pleasant when we want to run over to see you, especially on a hot day.
Bert and Martha are here as you probably are aware and are so happy in their new house - Burt is having lots of fun cleaning up his new door yard - has made great improvements so far - he is now going to turn his garage around and back it up to the north about ten feet - they could not be satisfied with the present location - it is going t cost him about one hundred dollars to do it but think it will pay for the satisfaction and we all think it will look much better - they are getting things settled pretty fast and their house looks quite home like already - I found a woman here to help her and so they are very happy to be here when it is quiet and peaceful - and it will be such a help next year to have the house all ready. Mr. Buzzele (sp?) to build a garage for Ed and has already made the concrete foundation, so that will soon be finished so they can store their material for their cottage - Mr. Dixon is coming tomorrow to talk to Mr. (Kidder?) about buying material for the same - I think Mr. Kidder is to build it anyway.
We have had lovely weather and are enjoying ourselves very much - Father is so worked up over the purchase of steel I don’t know whether he is getting much pleasure out if it - writing letters innumerable daily - I am afraid there will be a reaction later on -
I presume we shall go home soon now Nov. is so near, but we are comfortable. I should like to stay a little longer - Thanksgiving will soon be here and I must go home and get ready for it - I am hoping to have the family with us once more, but it grows more formidable every year and I think every year may be the last as the weight of years is telling on us - So with gratitude in our hearts for the amount of strength we now have, I hope to have another grand reunion of the Hart family - Hoping you are all well, and with much love to you all from us both, I am
Your loving Mother
letter and photograph contributed by Joanne Shepard
Bust of Martha Peck Hart by Martha Moore
courtesy Charlie Rathbone
“I remember my great grandmother, Martha Peck Hart. She was both kind and stern. She always looked like a very dignified, elderly lady with her long, very dignified dress. We used to play "kick the can" on her lawn and she would let us play with the toys she kept for the kids to play with. But I was always a little afraid of her.” Lucy (Bideau) Hart Abbot