Mila Cenkl

Mila Cenkl was born in Czechoslovakia on December 19, 1934, where he studied art in high school and at Charles University in Prague. Later, from 1973 to 1975, he took studio art classes at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. He made extended visits to France, Italy, Spain and Czechoslovakia to visit galleries and museums.

In addition to his art work, Mila is a mathematician having received advanced degrees from Charles University where he also taught as an Associate Professor. He then went on to teach at Northeastern University and Stanford University in the United States; in France at universities in Lille, Lyon and Paris; in Italy at the University in L’Aquila and at the Institute in Barcelona, Spain.

He has exhibited in Oak Bluffs at the Firehouse Gallery, the Dragonfly gallery and the All Island show. In Edgartown he has shown his work at Atelier Trillium. His work is on permanent exhibit at the Culture Center in Bohunovice, Czech Republic.

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Mila Cenkl

Personal: Born:               Czechoslovakia, December 19, 1934

                 Citizenship:     U.S.A.

                 Marital Status: Wife-Jirina,  Sons-Michal, Pavel


        In art: 1945-53; High School in Olomouc, Czechoslovakia: water color, drawing, descriptive geometry including perspective, relief and light.

                    1953-58, Charles University in Prague, Czechoslovakia: descriptive geometry, art in architecture.

                    1973-75, Studio Art Classes in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston mostly with J.Babb: oil painting, composition, still life, and portraits.

                    I consider Richard Schmid to be my teacher. Although I never had an opportunity to meet Mr. Schmid in person I learned a lot from his excellent books.

                    Many visits of galleries and museums during my extended visits of France, Italy, Spain and of course of Czechoslovakia contributed a great deal to my education.

In mathematics: 1953-58, Charles University. Specializing in Geometry. Graduated with RNDr. Degree

                             1958-60, Graduate School at the Charles University under Professor E.Cech. Graduated with C.Sc. degree (equivalent to Ph.D.)

                              1960-68, Associate Professor at the Charles University. In 1968 I received Dr.Sc. degree from the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia in Prague.

Teaching experience: I have been teaching Mathematics and Geometry at several universities since 1955. In particular I taught courses at Charles University, Northeastern University, Stanford University, in France at the Universities in Lille, Lyon and Paris, in Italy at the University in L’Aquila and in Spain at the Institute in Barcelona.

Exhibitions: 2001 – One week two artists show and one week a group show in the Firehouse Gallery in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

                      2002 – One week two artists show and one week a group show in the Firehouse Gallery in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

                      2003 – One week two artists show and one week a group show in the Firehouse Gallery in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts – One week show of 25 reproductions of my paintings in Bohunovice, Czech Republic

                      2004 – One week group show in the Dragonfly Gallery in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts – Group show, May 22 – August 31, Special week focusing on my work was July 13 – July 19 in the Atelier Trillium, Edgartown, Massachusetts – All Island Show, August 2, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts – One week two artists show in the Firehouse Gallery in Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts

Press releases and other announcements:

         There were announcements of all my shows in the Vineyard  Gazette

         I had a TV interview on the Plum channel on Martha’s Vineyard, July 17, 2004

Permanent Exhibits: – Some of my reproductions are exhibited permanently in the Culture Center in Bohunovice, Czech Republic

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